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Competitions, Festivals and Recordings


What should a head of music consider when planning music competitions, festivals or recordings?


What should a head of music consider when planning music competitions, festivals or recordings?

2,568 words.

I know what you are thinking: music is an art, and art should not be competitive. I have some sympathy with this, despite the fact that I have always ensured my students entered competitions and festivals as much as possible, both local and national. So is it ‘not about the winning but about the taking part’? (Apologies for the cliche, but it is relevant). Well yes, in a way, but it is much more about the performance opportunities that such events offer and the building towards those opportunities, sometimes over a significant period of time. A festival or competition entry can be flagged up a year or more before it happens, which will hopefully keep your students intrigued and with you for the ride.


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