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The main school concert


What should you take into account when planning your school’s next concert?


What should you take into account when planning your school’s next concert?

4,967 words.

Sooner or later your first major school concert will loom large, and it is crucial that you make the maximum impact. I am not talking about small recitals, or Term One Juniors, or lunchtime ‘open mics’, important though these are in the development of your musicians. This is the big one, involving as many as possible of your students, and your first real chance to show the parents, staff and governors the potential of the school’s music in all its forms. So how should you approach it all?
Regardless of whether you are in Year One of teaching or more experienced, it is unlikely that you will have planned and run a school concert before. That is very much the domain of the Head of Music, and you will almost certainly have just followed instructions and made sure your groups were ready to perform. However, as a potential Head of Music you should also have been intrigued by (and even disagreed with) some of the decisions made by your boss, and now is your chance to put things right.


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